Defending Teilhard on the Piltdown hoax

Piltdown Man went from being one of the biggest discoveries of the 20th Century to being its greatest scientific embarrassment. Fragments of a skull and jawbone collected in 1912 from a gravel pit at Piltdown, a village near Uckfield, East Sussex were acclaimed as the "missing link" between apes and humans. They were revealed to be forgeries in 1953.

Some, especially Stephen Jay Gould, charged that Teilhard was complicit in the deception.  This charge has been thoroughly discredited by many sources.


See The Unmasking of Piltdown Man, BBC, for background on the hoax.

Correspondence between Dr. K.P. Oakley and P. Teilhard de Chardin
Correspondence between Dr. K.P. Oakley a
Microsoft Word Document 47.0 KB
Kenneth Oakley - Piltdown man - Letter to New Scientist Nov. 1981
Kenneth Oakley - Piltdown man - Letter t
Microsoft Word Document 63.5 KB
Mary Lukas - Teilhard and the Piltdown Hoax - America May 1981
Mary Lukas - Teilhard and the Piltdown H
Microsoft Word Document 45.0 KB
Thomas Berry - The Piltdown Affair- Teilhard Newsletter, July 1980
Thomas Berry - The Piltdown Affair- Teil
Microsoft Word Document 27.5 KB
Peter Costello - Teilhard and the Piltdown hoax
Peter Costello - Teilhard and the Piltdo
Microsoft Word Document 28.0 KB
Winifred McCulloch - A Reader's Guide to Gould's Argument
Winifred McCulloch - A Reader's Guide to
Microsoft Word Document 48.5 KB